Happy Life with Digital Minimalism

Muhammad Zuhdi Hidayat
3 min readJan 24, 2020
Photo by Gilles Lambert on Unsplash

Are you a person who is addicted to social media and always takes the time to use it? If the answer is Yes, you should change your habit now.

Minimalism is one of the things that we should have in our daily life. We can adopt a minimalist lifestyle to have a light effect and always have enough of something. The minimalist lifestyle is everyone’s dream because we can take advantage of what we have, and then we maximise it.

A small example of a minimalist lifestyle is to take advantage of the clothes we like and sell or give clothes to people who are more in need. We can use mix and match outfits that we love and put the clothes in order of colour. This minimalist lifestyle is not far away with a matching colour and not too flashy.

Photo by tu tu on Unsplash

How about Digital Minimalism? Is it the same as minimalist life?

Digital minimalism is an activity that we can adopt for using the Internet. We apply when we use Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or other platforms. We can manage time to focus more on productivity without using too much social media.

According to Matt D’Avella from his video titled “4 Rules for Digital Minimalism”, there are (1) No screens in bed, (2) Scheduled all email once daily, (3) Limit social media to 30 min daily, (4) Limit all streaming one day. He tries to make sure that everything going to be changed if we avoid and increasing internet activities. We spend all of your time staring at the screen, read books on the internet, relax with watching TV on family rooms.

Being digital minimalist, we should decrease activities on secondary life on screen and start spending all your time with real social life because minimalism is not about constant context but intentional. Being digital minimalist, it doesn’t mean you start deleting all your social media. It merely begins to notice how and when you use technology, and whether your use it will make value on your life.

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Social Media: A Place for Escape

You will be scrolling Instagram when you don’t have a work agenda, using Twitter as an interaction and looking for information, Facebook is a place for buying and selling. It is part of your escape from your daily activities.

In digital minimalism, we are required to use social media wisely and effectively. As we are eating, we better stop eating before feeling full. The use of social media also needs to be limited to avoid activities that make us addictive.

You limit the use of social media in one day. Maybe this does not apply to jobs related to digital marketing, but it never hurts you to obtain to your social media.

Digital Minimalism on You Gadget

Have you ever wondered what your files, applications on your gadget make you perplexed? You must remove anything not needed. Remove and uninstall your apps that not necessarily need and prefered open it on the browser version. It will make you focus on doing work without opening the application and will also reduce the level of addicted use.

Use fresh wallpaper; it will make you more focused and can increase productivity. We will be dizzy if staring at the screen full of logos and irregular and most importantly choose a colour that is comfortable to see in the eye.


Digital minimalism is a habit that must be done consistently. Uninstalling an application that you have may not necessarily make you a minimalist person. You have to identify what makes you distracted and feel uncomfortable using the internet.
Therefore, digital minimalism is a process and will continue to be a process. Become a digital minimalist that suits your personality and know the limits.

